Terms and Conditions

For the adquisition of Mezcal de Alegria products or its subsidaries(jointly “Mezcal or the “Supplier) through the web site(The Service),a careful reading of the following terms and conditions should be met (T&C) and the established requisites and obligations established here should be fulfilled.


 Entering, visiting, navegating, using the web site y/o adquiring products, the user accepts being obligated by the same terms and conditions, as well as accepting  the supplier´s Privacy Act. If you do not agree with these T&C, you should not use this web site. These T&C constitute a contract that governs the relationship between the User and the Supplier.



Aside from the terms previously defined, or in any other part of this document, the T&C will be understood as such;

Consumer; The person who receives the product from the service, as a beneficiary of this. All of the obligations and requisites consigned in the T&C will be applied to The Consumer as though they were the User, with the understanding that the person who contracts the service (User)may be someone other than the Consumer.

The Account;The individual User´s registration will identify and distinguish them from other contractors, being unique and untransferable.

Unrecognized Delivery;

When the package is received by someone other than the User or the Consumer and is not recognized as the Consumer.

Guaranty; Refers to the replacement of the product y/o reimbursement of the amount paid by the User in agreement with the T&C

Supplier or House

Mafra Global Agriculture S.A de C.V. or its subsidaries designated address,

Calle 5 oriente s/n San Martin Caltenco, Tochtepec Puebla  C.P.75617


Payments to; Mafra Global Agriculture  (BANK)BBVA MEXICO  or any other service supplier as a means of payment to the House for its services.

Packaging Supplier; DHL or any other service packaging provider that hires the House for its services.

WEB Site electronic address http://mezcalalegria.com/ through which the Service can be contracted.

Territory: Territory of The Mexican Republic within the geographic regions covered by the packaging supplier.

User: A physical person of age with the capacity according to the laws of The United States of Mexico and meets the hiring requirements can enter the web site and obtain their individual User´s account.

The terms referred to in this part will have the same meaning whether they are used in singular or plural.


Mezcal reserves the right to occasionally change these T&C in accordance with the necessities of the Service, with or without notification. For the consumer, sales will be valid as long as they show evidence of sales in official brand campaigns and it is functional in the web site.

The most recent version of these T&C´s will be available in the web site, and will replace the previous versions.

After the modifications have been made to these T&C and the User enters the web site, The User accepts these changes.





The User must give personal information to the supplier for service provision, through the use of the web site, The User accepts the terms of the Privacy Act.    https://www.veritradecorp.com/es/mexico/importaciones-y-exportaciones-distribuidora-y-productora-de-mezcal-don-porfirio-sa-de-cv/rfc-m140524e48#ModalTerminosCondiciones



The User is responsible for maintaining their account as well as their password confidential, recognizing they are responsible for all of the activities done using their account and password.



If any fraudulent or illegal activity is detected, The Supplier reserves the right to cancel, disable or suspend any account in any moment with no responsibilty for the Supplier, forcing the User to repay any damage or harm inflicted upon the Supplier for ill use of the WEB SITE or Service. The User promises that apart from what was established in the T&C to (a.) Use the web site for personal use only and not commercial use,(b) not to copy, or distribute any part of the web site without prior  written authorization by the Supplier(c)not to alterate or modify any part of the web site and (d)not to share the web site or its contents with minors.


In order to have access to the Service, the User must create an account or fill out the form with their  identification information required, not being able to use the account of another without their authorization. The account or the form must be filled out with true and complete information, informing the Supplier immediately of any security problem or unauthorized use of the account. The User recognizes and accepts that they will be responsible for any losses for the Supplier or others as a result of any unauthorized use of the account.

The Supplier may provide links to web sites belonging to or managed by third parties, understanding that the Supplier does not back the content, products or available services in these web sites, and is not responsible for their content or security. The use of this link or any other connection is the Users responsibility.


The general public can hire the Service when each and every one of the requisites is met.

To be of legal age(+18) and to have the capacity to hire in accordance with Mexican laws. To have an official  current identification that validates date of birth( voter’s ID,passport,military service ID,professional license, etc.,issued by an official Mexican government institution. In the case of foreign residents in Mexico, to have a passport or migratory form allowing for their legal residence in Mexico. In the case of foreign residents living outside of México, to have a passport or official ID from the country of residence proving they are legal age.

When creating the account or filling out the forms, providing true information(full name including last names, birth date,address,email address and telephone numbers) according to the requirements of the web site. You may be asked to provide to provide further information required by the Supplier, necessary for service provisions.

To have a valid payment method which may be;(i) a cash deposit through the OXXO chain(ii) bank transference, which will be processed by the same service described in the previous subsection, o (iii) a debit or credit card, Visa, Mastercard or American Express, which will be processed by the Suppliers as payment.

To accept the terms and conditions of the means of payment, according to the option the User chooses.

To read thoroughly and accept the present T&C. It is understood that the User who enters the web site, opens an account and fills out the forms has accepted the present T&C.

Service(Home Delivery service)

The Service consists in the sale of alcoholic beverages and commercialized consumption of Mezcal and their delivery through the packaging supplier. The Service will be given exclusively within the Mexican Territory.

The service hours are established by the location, in agreement with the terms and conditions of the packaging supplier, and these may change without prior notice.

The catalogue of products, discounts, prices and validity may change without prior notice, if the Supplier decides in any eventuality, according to the location.


The supplier is helped by the means of payment suppliers and to facilitate charging for the products in order to give a service provision.

The means of payment suppliers will be responsible for the personal financial information solicited from the User, through the means of these T&C, The Users and consumers are freed from any responsibility relate to the supplier’s payment processes.

When the User provides the means of payment supplier with credit or debit card information on the web site page, it is in conformity with the Privacy Act.

The Supplier receives the payment collected through the means of payment supplier with no direct access to the User’s financial information.


The Supplier may in any moment deny service or cancel orders in course, without responsibility for the Supplier when,

Participation of a minor as a User or Consumer of the products is detected.

The User provides any false information or it cannot be verified.

The User or Consumer denies or omits delivering documents requested by the Supplier, such as, an official ID.

When the delivery area is cataloged as a high risk zone for the packaging supplier or it is outside of its coverage.

The User or the Consumer misuses the Web Site or product, during the service provision.


The user accepts and recognizes that all content of the Web Site, including in a declarative way, but not limiting,texts, brands,commercial warnings, denominations, photographs, designs, logotypes,images, sound, videos, animations,recordings,computer programs, as well as other distintive signs, and in general any intellectual creation available on the Web Site are duly registered and protected under the Intellectual and Industrial Property Laws appliable. In virtue of the aforementioned, the User or any other person is prohibited access to The Web Site without obtaining a liscense or corresponding authorization according to the legislation.


It is understood that everyone who directly or indirectly requests or receives the Service has known, understood and integrally accepted to be subjected to and governed according to the present T&C, expressly renouncing their right to deduct, promote,claim or exercise any action against the Supplier related to assumptions that their responsibility is limited or excluded in virtue of these T&C to the maximum permitted by law.

The Service is subject to changes caused by federal or local laws, as well as by judicial administrative authorities, without prior notice to the User or the general public.

The User knows and accepts that any content generated on the Web Site or related to the products, is obscene or defamatory is against the legal applicable provisions, and is considered criminal or offensive conduct or who promotes undue or excessive consumption of alcohol, will give the lender the right to cancel their account and any Service that hasn’t been delivered, in the moment these acts occur.


The Web Site could use temporary files (cookies) to facilitate access to the Web Site.The navigator or device may also use “cookies” that allows the operation of others. They can be deactivated y/o eliminated through privacy options on your internet navigator; with the understanding that it could affect the use of the Web Site, without responsibility for the Supplier.


The User will have a maximum of two days, after having received the products, to send evidence of nonconformity described in continuation, and to make the guaranty valid

-Photograghs of the pieces received

-Photograph of damaged packaging

-Photogragh of the tracking guide


This evidence must be sent to email infomafraglobal@gmail.com

Once the Supplier has received the email, with all of the information mentioned, the Supplier will analyze the nonconformity, and in a space of 15 working days, will notify the User of the resolution of this particular case, whether to reimburse or to apply the guaranty.


When there is a case of an unrecognized delivery, the Supplier will investigate it directly with the messaging supplier and solve it in accordance with the packaging services’ terms and conditions.

If the resolution is favorable for the User, The Supplier will resend the same products claimed, without any additional cost for the User, or in case the said product is no longer in existence, the User may demand reimbursement for the value of the service or a product substitution at the same or lesser price, in which case, the difference will be reimbursed to the User.

During this process, the Supplier may require more information from the User, which case the response time could be extended until the Supplier has all the necessary information.

In case of reimbursements, the Supplier will reimburse in conformity with the following guidelines;

 A coupon with credit could be awarded as an equivalent value of the damaged product, or no delivered, to be used inside the Web Site or;

A reimbursement will be awarded for the amount paid, specifically for the claim of the product, in the time mentioned if (A) If the payment was made with a credit or debit card(Visa, Mastercard,Paypal, American Express) the time of the return will depend on the means of payment suppliers in agreement with their times and policies.(b) If the amount was paid in cash in OXXO, the Supplier will reimburse it within 60 working days, in accordance with the means of payment suppliers policies. The User must supply the Supplier with a valid bank account number to receive the reimbursement.




In case the client is absent and the package cannot be delivered, after two visits by the packaging supplier, it will be returned to the warehouse. The User must pay the return cost and it will be descounted from the reimbursement.


The client may request that the product be resent and the amount paid, reimbursed in a coupon, so that he can request his order again. This amount will be descounted from the cost of the package delivered again.




Each User has absolute resposibility for all of the activities that happen through his account. The Supplier has no control over a User’s account, and the Supplier renounces any claim derived from misuse or unauthorized use of it.

The Supplier does not provide a guaranty or assume any responsibility for damage or harm directly or indirectly related to the precision and integrity of the contents of the Web Site or any site linked to the Supplier, therefore the Supplier is not responsible for (a.)errors or inaccuracies in the Web Site content,(b)personal injuries or any kind of damage to property that results from access to the use of the Web Site,(c)unauthorized access to the Supplier’s servers and any type of information stored there.(d) temporary  or permanent interruption of the Web Site,(e)errors in the software used, virus, malware, or similar that have been introduced in the Web Site by a third party,(f.)errors or omissions

in content  or any loss or damage of any type from the use of any published content sent by email, or by any other form by the User through the Web Site.


In addition, the User accepts that the Supplier is not responsible for any damage directly or indirectly coming from or related to(i) the navigation performance on the Web Site, or(ii) links to other web sites, even if the User has been informed of such possible damage. The User accepts that the Supplier is not responsible for damages derived from the interruption, suspension or termination of Services, when it is applicable, according to the present T&C or the current legislation.


The User recognizes and accepts that, given  the characteristics of the flow of information on the internet, that it is impossible for the Supplier to control and guaranty the absence of virus or other similar elements that can produce alterations in their informatic system or in the electronic documents stored in their informatic system.



In accepting the present T&C, the User accepts that the Supplier does not bear total responsibility to the User, in the case this would be determined by a judicial authority or competent administrator, for any type of damage or losses, it may exceed the amount effectively paid by the User to the Supplier from which the claim is derived.




Any controversy  derived from the Service or against the Supplier for the Service will be governed by the present T&C, and by the current laws in Mexico, adhering to the jurisdiction and competence of the Mexico City courts, renouncing competing courts for the benefit of the current or future address that may benefit either party.